As a 52-year-old woman, I’m aware that I’m not as young as I used to be. Unfortunately, I have developed little lines around my lips that make me look pinched. I’d like to get them fixed and I’ve heard that lip augmentation can be a good way to get rid of this type of line. What is the best method of lip augmentation for fixing lines around the lips?
The small vertical lines around your lips are not as easy to remedy as one might think. These lines are caused by the skin aging and losing its elasticity so when the muscle of the lips contract, the wrinkles appear and the lips have less chance of smoothing out. Filling these lines with small particle Restylane or Juvederm is an excellent way of dealing with this area. If the lines are deeper and is associated with skin damage from the sun or smoking, then laser resurfacing or Fraxel laser may also be suggested for a more permanent solution to the problem as this will help alleviate the deeper wrinkles of the skin around the lips that lip augmentation will not repair.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld