I know that my first nose job recovery period was extremely painful and prolonged, thus not allowing me to go to work for several weeks. Post revision rhinoplasty surgery, how long until I can resume normal activities?
A prolonged recovery from a nose job is always concerning for me to hear about. I would definitely need more details as to why you were unable to perform your duties at work and why you were in such excruciating pain several weeks following your original nose job. I allow my patients light exercise about 2-3 weeks following their nose job. I allow my patients gradual progression in exercise levels but give strict warnings that if it hurts to do the activity their body is telling them to decrease their activity level and that overdoing it can result in prolonged nasal swelling following their nose job. Interestingly, I have found that recovery from revision Rhinoplasty surgery is usually less traumatic than the original surgery.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld