I am a 46 year old male. I recently had fat injected into the hollows of my eyes. The swelling seems to have gone down but there are tiny lumps under my eyes now. Could this be a sign that I’m rejecting the injection?
Although fat injections to the face can be extremely rewarding their are definitely potential complications that can arise from the injections, especially around the eyes. It is unlikely that you are rejecting the fat injections as the fat is yours and you will not reject your own tissue. The problem is likely that some fat was injected to close to the surface of the skin and now that the swelling from the facial fat injections is subsiding, you are appreciating this small amount of fat around your eyes. I would be patient and let the fat injections site settle down. After several weeks you may need small touch up procedure to smooth out the lid.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld