Ive been interested in getting a midface lift for some time so when I went in for a consult I was distressed at what I heard. The surgeon told me that my weak features would make for disappointing results from a midface lift. Why is this?
It would be difficult for me to comment on the consultation that you had with another surgeon with regards to your suitability for mid-face surgery but, my assumption is that what this surgeon was referring to was the thinness of your face and a lack of facial bony structure, both of which are necessary for proper mid-face rejuvenation. In these circumstances you may be a better candidate for either cheek implants or what I prefer, facial fat injections. Autologous fat injections to the mid-face can be used to augment the cheeks and to better define your facial features. Adding fat to the mid-face will enhance the structure of your face and really provide a more youthful appearance.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld